About LimboLane

LimboLane is an inclusive and queer-run games studio founded by Day and Yugo. We love to make things that squish and bounce! Our games feature all flavors of strange and compelling characters. Folks of all types and ages are invited into our weird and wacky worlds!

Day Lane is a producer, programmer, and gameplay designer from New York. She prides herself on juicy and brand-new game mechanics. Outside of LimboLane, she led the development of the hit co-op mobile game Family Style, and has helped to develop several published board and tabletop games.

Yugo Limbo is a peculiar cheese - an animator, game developer, and comic artist best known for kitschy, surreal, and goofy art. Outside of LimboLane, their work includes the 500-page psychedelic horror comic called Be Kind, My Neighbor. Yugo's style is flavored with notes of '60s psychedelia, '70s European cartoons, and a pinch of folk horror.

L4CEY is our mascot - a jaunty scrapbox who loves to travel. They'll be your guide to the weird worlds of LimboLane. Come along to the crossroads!